Procure um lugar tranquilo; deite-se de barriga para cima (se sentir desconforto na região lombar, mantenha os joelhos flexionados ou faça sentado numa cadeira). Relaxe...
Procure um lugar tranquilo; deite-se de barriga para cima (se sentir desconforto na região lombar, mantenha os joelhos flexionados ou faça sentado numa cadeira). Relaxe...
Fill your lungs (inhale through your nose) deeper than you thought possible and then let the air out (exhale through your mouth)! Inhale fully from stomach to chest to...
[old version advanced]: Wim Hof Breathing Technique – 4 rounds guided with Shamanic drums(00:00) 1st: holding your breath for 3:00 minutes – 40 breaths(05:42) 2nd:...
Just follow the steps below:1) Inhale deeply through the nose or mouth, and exhale unforced through the mouth, letting the air out. Fully inhale through the belly, then...
Fill your lungs deeper than you thought possible and then relax, letting the air out! As says, “FULLY IN and let go…” inhale fully from stomach to chest to head, then...