We recommend practicing right after waking up while fasting, or before a meal when your stomach is still empty. Just follow the steps below:1) Inhale deeply through the...
White noise is a type of sound that contains all frequencies at equal intensity, and it is often used as a tool for improving mental health. This type of sound can help...
Encha os pulmões (inspire pelo nariz) mais profundamente do que você pensou ser possível e depois deixe o ar sair (expire pela boca)! Inspire totalmente, do estômago ao...
Wim Hof breathing technique boosts the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells that are responsible for fighting off infections and illnesses...
Procure um lugar tranquilo; deite-se de barriga para cima (se sentir desconforto na região lombar, mantenha os joelhos flexionados ou faça sentado numa cadeira). Relaxe...
Fill your lungs deeper than you thought possible and then relax, letting the air out! As says, “FULLY IN and let go…” inhale fully from stomach to chest, then let the...