Experience a rejuvenating Wim Hof Breathing session led by a FEMALE instructor, enhanced with soothing background music at 528Hz and 40Hz. This guided practice unleashes your innate healing potential, bolsters your immune system, elevates energy, reduces stress, and enhances mental clarity. Learn to master your body’s response to stress and discomfort through breathwork exercises, promoting holistic well-being.

Whether you’re new to or experienced with Wim Hof Breathing, our female-guided session takes you on a journey to deepen your practice. Dive into a world of benefits, unlocking your body and mind’s full potential, fostering inner peace, and amplifying your mind-body connection. Cultivate a higher quality of life through consistent practice.

We recommend practicing right after waking up while fasting, or before a meal when your stomach is still empty. Just follow the steps below:

1) Inhale deeply through the nose or mouth, and exhale unforced through the mouth, letting the air out. Fully inhale through the belly, then chest and then let go unforced. Maintain a steady pace and fully utilize the diaphragm. Repeat this 40 times.
2) After the last exhalation, inhale one final time, as deeply as you can. Then let the air out and hold for as long as you can without force. Hold until you feel the urge to breathe again.
3) When you feel the urge to breathe again, draw one big breath to fill your lungs. Inhale to full capacity. Feel your belly and chest expanding. When you are at full capacity, hold the breath for around 15 seconds, then let go.
4) Repeat this process for 6 times!
5) Close your eyes, relax and go with the flow! 🙂

You may feel tingling in the hands, feet, or face. These side effects are completely harmless. But, if the sensation of light-headedness gets too intense, just pause until you feel settled and then continue. Listen to your body and go with the flow.

#BetterHealth #Breathing #Breathwork

Wim Hof Breathing Technique – 6 rounds guided – SLOW TO FAST:
(00:00) 1st: holding your breath for 2:00 minutes – 40 breaths
(05:07) 2nd: holding your breath for 2:30 minutes – 40 breaths
(10:38) 3rd: holding your breath for 3:00 minutes – 40 breaths
(16:36) 4th: holding your breath for 3:20 minutes – 40 breaths
(22:57) 5th: holding your breath for 3:40 minutes – 40 breaths
(29:36) 6th: holding your breath for 4:00 minutes – 40 breaths
(36:36) 2 minutes for meditation
(38:36) Subscribe, like & share!

MEDIT-O-RAMA: https://meditorama.com

IMPORTANT: Do this breathing technique in a comfortable seat—either in a chair or on cushions on the floor. Do not do this practice before or during diving, driving, swimming, taking a bath or any other environment/place where it might be dangerous to faint!!!

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