Breathe through the nose using your diaphragm, allow the sounds to silently repeat in your mind, without speaking them aloud! This is a breathing meditation technique...
Author - staff
5 séries de respiração guiada para BRASILEIROS para alcalinizar seu corpo e fortalecer seu sistema imunológico. INSTRUÇÕES:1) Faça esta técnica de respiração deitado de...
INSTRUCTIONS:1) Inhale through the nose or mouth and exhale through the mouth letting the air out. Keep a steady pace and use your midriff fully. Repeat this for 35...
4 rounds Wim Hof Breathing Technique with Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Chanting – Daimoku [Lotus Sutra]
Wim Hof Breathing Technique [4 rounds with 30 breaths each] INSTRUCTIONS:1) Take a deep breath in and let the air out! Inhale fully from stomach to chest to head through...
This is a breathing meditation technique using SOHAM (or SOHUM) mantra.As you breath in, MENTALLY say the word “SO” and as you breath out, MENTALLY say the...
Guided Wim Hof Breathing to overcome 3 minutes: 6 rounds / 40 breaths – with Brahmananda Swaroopa
Fill your lungs deeper than you thought possible and then relax, letting the air out! As says, “FULLY IN and let go…” inhale fully from stomach to chest to head, then...