Home » 5 rounds: Brown Fat Activation Breathing with 432Hz

1) Always perform this breathing exercise seated and in a safe environment. Put your hands in front of you or make sure you have something behind your back. Safety first!
2) Inhale deeply and fast through the nose, and exhale deeply and fast through the nose. Use your diaphragm, expanding your belly on the inhale and contracting on the exhale. Repet this 5 or 10 times.
3) On last breath, inhale fully and then hold the breath for at least 15 seconds.
4) SQUEEZE YOUR CORE, squeeze your belly, squeeze your hands, squeeze your entire body toward the head by tensing your pelvic floor and allowing that pressurized feeling to MOVE UP your spine to the top of your head.
5) Relax to let your breath go.
6) Repeat this 5 times.

#BrowFatBreathing #BrowFatActivation #BrowFatBreathingTechnique

You may feel tingling in the hands, feet, or face. These side effects are completely harmless. But, if the sensation of light-headedness gets too intense, just pause until you feel settled and then continue. Listen to your body and go with the flow.

IMPORTANT: Do this breathing technique in a comfortable seat—either in a chair or on cushions on the floor. Do not do this practice before or during diving, driving, swimming, taking a bath or any other environment/place where it might be dangerous to faint!!!

Brown Fat Activation breathing technique with 432Hz – 5 rounds in 3 minutes:

[00:00] 1st round: 5 breaths
[00:42] 2nd round: 5 breaths
[01:15] 3rd round: 5 breaths
[01:43] 4th round: 10 breaths
[02:19] 5th round: 10 breaths

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